
So what is Heriot-Watt University Student Union?

We’re here to make your time at Heriot-Watt the best it can be.
It’s why we exist.
Because we are your Student Union.

We're way more than a cheap bar and the people that organise freshers. 
We are elected students working for students.
We're separate from the University but we work in close partnership with them to convey the opinions of students.
We help to make your student experience better.
And if you're a student of Heriot-Watt, then you're automatically a member of the Student Union

Does that answer your question?

If not, then use the tabs up above and explore our website!

Stay up to date with everything we're doing by following us on
Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram and Tinder (just kidding, though we like you too)

Explore more about what we do

"You Said We Did"
Find out what you wanted to change and what we did about it.

Our campaigns
Did you know we helped to get the brand new Learning Commons on the Edinburgh campus? Check out what else we've been campaigning for!